Please note: this project is inactive since early 2006

2.3.2 Entity

An Entity corresponds to a Class in your (UML) model.

An entity may have the following attributes:

the name of the entity is required. It plays a fundamental role at run-time, making it possible for the framework to make classes correspond to DB tables and vice-versa.

this is the name of the class bound to the current entity. This is used both when the code-templates are generated and at run-time, when instances from a certain type are needed to be populated with fetched values. The value stored in the model should therefore be kept in sync. with your current python installation. See also: 2.3.1, Model's 'packageName' property, 'moduleName' (below), and B.1,''FAQ''.

this is the name of the module where the class is defined. This is used both when the code-templates are generated and at run-time, when objects a certain type needs to be instanciated and populated with fetched values. The value stored in the model should therefore be kept in step with your current python installation.

See also: 2.3.1, Model's 'packageName' property, 'className' (above), and B.1,''FAQ''.

If it is not provided, it defaults to the className, since a class is often declared in a module which has the same name as its class.

this is the name of the underlying table in the database. A common habit consists in deriving it from the class name in a consistent way, for example, class Book becomes externalName BOOK, and RegularCustomer becomes REGULAR_CUSTOMER. (cf. Modeling.Entity.externalNameForInternalName() and its 2.1)

you can choose a parent entity (a *super class*) for your entity. Inheritance implies more than simply setting this tag, please refer to section 2.6.4 for a complete discussion.

see the next subsection.

typeName, isAbstract, isReadOnly
not used for now.

a comment, for maintainers of the model.

Before detailing attributes and relationships, contained in entities, we first describe the special primary key attribute.


... its2.1
as defined in module Entity, see documentation

Comments are welcome: Sebastien Bigaret / Modeling Home Page
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