Generate valid Python code for a Cheetah $var, using NameMapper
(Unified Dotted Notation with the SearchList).
nameChunks = list of var subcomponents represented as tuples
[ (name,useAC,remainderOfExpr),
name = the dotted name base
useAC = where NameMapper should use autocalling on namemapperPart
remainderOfExpr = any arglist, index, or slice
If remainderOfExpr contains a call arglist (e.g. '(1234)') then useAC
is False, otherwise it defaults to True. It is overridden by the global
setting 'useAutocalling' if this setting is False.
if the raw Cheetah Var is
nameChunks is the list
[ ('a.b.c',True,'[1]'), # A
('d',False,'()'), # B
('x.y.z',True,''), # C
When this method is fed the list above it returns
VFN(VFN(VFFSL(SL, 'a.b.c',True)[1], 'd',False)(), 'x.y.z',True)
which can be represented as
VFN(B`, name=C[0], executeCallables=(useAC and C[1]))C[2]
VFN = NameMapper.valueForName
VFFSL = NameMapper.valueFromFrameOrSearchList
VFSL = NameMapper.valueFromSearchList # optionally used instead of VFFSL
SL = self.searchList()
useAC = self.setting('useAutocalling') # True in this example
A = ('a.b.c',True,'[1]')
B = ('d',False,'()')
C = ('x.y.z',True,'')
C` = VFN( VFN( VFFSL(SL, 'a.b.c',True)[1],
= VFN(B`, name='x.y.z', executeCallables=True)
B` = VFN(A`, name=B[0], executeCallables=(useAC and B[1]))B[2]
A` = VFFSL(SL, name=A[0], executeCallables=(useAC and A[1]))A[2]
Note, if the compiler setting useStackFrames=False (default is true)
A` = VFSL([locals()]+SL+[globals(), __builtin__], name=A[0], executeCallables=(useAC and A[1]))A[2]
This option allows Cheetah to be used with Psyco, which doesn't support
stack frame introspection.