Package Modeling :: Module ModelSet
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Module Modeling.ModelSet

A ModelSet holds a set of models that can co-exist and/or co-operate at runtime.

The framework'core can only handle one ModelSet at a time: the one returned by defaultModelSet(). The module & class main responsabilities are:

  1. making sure that all the entities defined in a ModelSet instance have distinct names: a ModelSet identifies its models and entities by name. Hence, object defaultModelSet() can be asked at runtime for models and entities, given their names
  2. registering the object returned by defaultModelSet() as the default receiver for the notification ClassDescriptionNeededForEntityNameNotification posted by ClassDescription.classDescriptionForName().

CVS informations:

$Id:,v 1.15 2005/05/03 15:12:06 sbigaret Exp $

ModelSet Holds a set of Modeling.Models that can co-exist at runtime

Function Summary
Returns the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.
Returns the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.
Sets the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.
Sets the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.
  updateModelWithCFG(model, cfg_path)
Deprecated: use Model.updateModelWithCFG instead.

Function Details


Returns the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.


Returns the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.


Sets the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.


Sets the model set to use globally in an application There can be only one such ModelSet.

updateModelWithCFG(model, cfg_path)

Deprecated: use Model.updateModelWithCFG instead. This method will be removed in v0.9.1

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Mar 4 13:36:23 2006